Explore projects
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Cluster docs and playbooks
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KSZK / Schönherz Mátrix / docker-qt
MIT LicenseQt Docker image, fiorked from https://github.com/BIwashi/docker-qt
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WIZnet ioLibrary fork
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KSZK / Schönherz Mátrix / dhcp / kea-hook
MIT LicenseHook library for ISC Kea(https://kea.isc.org/), the library controls MUEB IP assignment.
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Schönherz Mátrix network library written in C++ using Qt
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KSZK / Schönherz Mátrix / libmueb-obs
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyOBS Studio plugin for Schönherz Mátrix streaming
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Tóth Miklós Tibor / Linux presentation 2020
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterArchived 0Updated -
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