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DEPRECATED!!! USE https://git.sch.bme.hu/kszk/ci Central CI config templates for the Sysadmin group
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archived -> goto https://git.sch.bme.hu/kszk/monitoring/sch-snmp-exporter
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A Snake játék (2019) webes frontendje és backendje.
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Asteroids style game for Schönherz Mátrix
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Archived 1Updated
Project moved to: https://github.com/simonyiszk/schdesign-roadmap
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Archived 0Updated
Extracts qp4, qpr, mp3/ogg(if exists) files from q4x
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Archived 0Updated
Archived 0Updated
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Firmware for 4th generation MUEB
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App for registering MUEBs with QR code
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Objektumorientalt Dijkstra algoritmus
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